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In-app Stories: Connect With Travelers

In-app and web sory content can be a great tool for airline passenger engagement and overall brand improvement. But, you do need to know how and when to use it.

Having a satisfied passenger is one of the best ways for airlines to ensure future business. If a passenger was satisfied with how they were treated before, during, and after their flight, they are far more likely to choose you again. But ensuring passenger retention is more than simply offering frequent flyer benefits. To make a connection with them you need to go a bit further and see how your airline can weave itself into their lives. In this aspect, in-app stories can be effective, especially if they are well-made. So, let's outline the key steps of how an airline can use them.

What is an In-app Story?

In-app stories are engaging and interactive pieces of content that can be added to any mobile application. Unlike web stories, which are perfect for websites and Google, in-app stories are great refreshments for mobile applications. StorifyMe provides stories SDKs for iOS and Android applications as well as React Native and Flutter. This is a mobile-friendly content format that users can leverage to engage with their audiences better, share ideas, and showcase their brand values.  

What can in-app stories entail?  

In-app and web stories as well, can entail pretty much anything. From written content to images, videos, animations, and even interactive and dynamic content. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can add to your story. If this seems overbearing, don't let it be. More likely than not, you've already seen some form of either in-app stories or web stories. Be it on social media through Instagram and Facebook Stories, or YouTube Short, or pretty much anything that you see on TikTok. These are all examples of effective story content.

A person viewing story content on her phone, showing an important tool for airline passenger engagement.
There are few types of content that can compete with story format. Especially when it comes to user engagement.

The main difference between stories on Social Networks and what StorifyMe has to offer is that you can host StorifyMe stories on your platform (be it a website or an app). By doing so you achieve a couple of things:

  • You have full control of how and when your content is presented (keep in mind that all social media platforms limit you on how you can showcase your brand).
  • There’s no limitation regarding story expiration.
  • You can freely gather customer data from your stories.
  • If need be, you can easily remove or re-upload story content without having to deal with a third-party arbiter.
  • You can redesign or personalize content as you see fit.
  • You can change the position of your story content within your native platform (website or app) thus further optimizing the user experience.

How to use them

With all this in mind, it should be obvious that in-app stories are a marketing content format that you should at least consider. But, some of you might be wondering whether it is difficult to create engaging stories. Well, the answer is both yes and no. On the one hand, StorifyMe makes it both straightforward and intuitive to create story content, even if you have little to no experience. This makes StorifyMe ideal for brands that don't want to invest heavily into marketing, and yet reach their audience in a meaningful way (like airplane companies).

On the other hand, you do need to have a decent understanding of what your passengers go through when using your mobile application and website. Whether they are using your website to look for flights, or using your app to keep themselves updated, you need to be aware of what goes through their head. Only then will you be able to determine what information to provide, and when to use story content to do so.

Examples of using in-app stories to connect with passengers  

To help better explain the potential of in-app stories we will illustrate specific instances where you can use them. Ideally, airlines will leverage story content by providing valuable, entertaining, and informative content that resonates with their audience.

Destination stories

Let's say, for instance, that a person is considering going on a vacation. They go on your website, choose their destination, and look for flights. Well, this is one instance where in-app stories can come in handy. Instead of simply providing them with travel information, you can also highlight their destination. Showcase the culture, attractions, cuisine, and unique experiences travelers can expect while there. You can use visuals, narration, and interviews to bring these destinations to life.

Showing your passengers where they are headed might just be the push they need to finalize their ticket purchase.

The main reason for doing so is to motivate your passengers to finalize their purchase. Keep in mind that, according to Statista, the airline industry has the highest cart abandonment rate of 90%. This means that out of every 10 people who consider buying an airplane ticket, 9 give up. So, to help reduce those numbers, you really ought to consider certain strategies. One way to motivate your potential buyers is to showcase what they'll experience if they finalize their purchase. The closer their destination seems, the more likely they are to commit to going there.


People have a natural interest in what happens behind the scenes. Be it in government, People have a natural interest in what happens behind the scenes. Be it in government, relationships, or various industries, we all like to know what goes on behind the public's eye. What makes these things run? Well, the airline industry is no exception. Know that most of your passengers would like to know how your airline operates. And that's one of the best ways to show them this is through in-app and web stories.  

Airline pilots in a cockpit.
Passengers always feel reassured if you show them who their pilot is.

With a carefully crafted story, you can easily take passengers from the cockpit to the cabin crew to ground operations. You can also share stories about the dedicated individuals who ensure smooth and safe travel experiences. By doing so you will humanize your brand and foster a connection between passengers and the people who make their journey possible. And that's one of the best ways to enhance passenger experiences.

What other passengers have to say

One of the key components of modern marketing is user-generated content or UGC stories. We've already written about how effective it can be and why it has a unique role to play in all marketing campaigns. So, we won't go into much depth here. Just know that, as an airline company, you want to showcase satisfied passengers. And what better way to do so than to feature real-life stories from passengers about their travel experiences? You can highlight memorable moments, unexpected encounters, and personal insights shared by travelers. These stories add authenticity and emotional resonance, which goes a long way in passenger community building.

Keep in mind that you should look for ways to relate your brand to the UGC. So, don't shy away from commenting on their posts and motivating your employees to create some of their own. You should also look to invite them to leave reviews and ratings, as doing so can substantially benefit your company.

Safety and service

A common protocol in airline service is to have your stewards and stewardesses outline the safety protocol. How to fasten seatbelts, what to do in case of emergencies, etc. But what if you took this a step further? What if, instead of outlining these safety measures through in-person examples, you showcase them through story content? By doing so, you will not only reaffirm what the passengers have already been told but also elaborate on other possible safety concerns. You can outline how they should behave at the airport, how to safely reach their accommodation after landing, and how they should behave in a foreign country or a new city. By having informative videos with animations, you will achieve a couple of things:

  • Emphasize your airline's commitment to the safety and comfort of passengers.
  • Instill confidence and trust in passengers regarding your dedication to their well-being.
  • Boost your brand relevance.

Historical tales and milestones

If you are a well-established airline with years of service and thousands of satisfied passengers, you should look to promote yourself as such. One way to do so is to share stories that celebrate the airline's history, milestones, and achievements. Highlight significant moments in the airline's journey, such as inaugural flights, fleet expansions, or pioneering initiatives. Showcasing the airline's legacy can evoke a sense of pride and loyalty among passengers. Furthermore, it can make them feel as if they are a part of something bigger and historical. And doing so will likely have them returning to you in the future.

Stewardesses and a pilot saluting.
Always showcase yourself as a top-notch company that values passenger comfort and safety above all else.

Environmental impact

Another quite common concern of modern people is the environment. Namely, it is by no means a secret that airlines aren't good at it. Especially when it comes to private jets. So, to help paint yourself in a decent light, you can tell stories about your efforts to reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to social causes. Here you need to highlight sustainability initiatives, community partnerships, and charitable activities undertaken by the airline. Show that you understand the effect your company has on the world and then show that you are willing to go the extra mile to make things right. Demonstrating a commitment to corporate social responsibility can resonate with passengers who value ethical and responsible business practices. Statistics clearly show that passengers are more willing to fly with a green airline if given the choice.

Final thoughts

Story content is easy to create and integrate with already existing platforms (be it a website or an app). By using StorifyMe, you can easily export your story content as widgets and add them wherever you see fit. By doing so, you'll enjoy having full control over your content and utilizing it as you see fit.

If there is one thing you can learn from modern marketing it's that a short, well-crafted narrative will resonate far more with your audience. Especially if it is in video format. So, to help boost airline passenger engagement, your go-to option should be in-app stories. Through them, you can help convince passengers to finalize their purchase, outline various safety protocols while flying, or help build your brand in their eyes. So, if you are looking for a way to freshen up your marketing, story content is a good choice. And on that front, StofiyMe is more than happy to help you out.

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