Latest Update

🔐 SSO & Adobe Analytics

April 8, 2022

New Releases 🚀

As we work on making it easier for our Enterprise clients to enjoy our product, we released a Single Sign-on authentication.

With SSO clients can have maximum control over who logins to your dashboard and have access to your media assets. Our team is ready to help with configuration of SSO for our clients.


With our new release, enterprise clients will have an option to integrate StorifyMe analytics with their existing Adobe Analytics, allowing them to have all of their data in one place.

With our High Level Analytics for All Stories integrated to Adobe Analytics, customers can track behavior of each viewer, their engagement with each interactive element and have it all stored in their Adobe Analytics.

🌟 Improvements:

  • Built a way to specify a logo link in the stories list page
  • Added story name and user ID to analytics export file
  • Extended story export to include all StorifyMe links in a ZIP file
  • Add an option to filter insight reports (by folder, device, country)
  • Add an option to set underline for button element in stories

🔧 Fixes:

  • Limiting countries in the analytic results page to 5 countries
  • Fix animations for rotated elements

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